Terms and Conditions of Use

We, Central Pattana Public Company limited (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) welcome the service users (hereinafter referred to as “you”) to the services on this website, mobile application and social media of the Company, which provides you news, information and other services (hereinafter referred to as the “services”). By logging into the system, you agree to comply with the terms and conditions of use (“Terms and Conditions of Use”) hereinafter set forth, therefore, please read the Terms and Conditions of Use thoroughly prior to accessing the services. Regarding to various services, there may be additional terms and conditions specific to the service. The Company will inform you about the additional terms and conditions of the service and such additional terms and conditions shall form part of the agreement between you and the Company of such service used.

If you select “I agree” button, it shall be deemed that you agree to comply with the Terms and Conditions of Use hereof. In case you do not wish to comply with the Terms and Conditions of Use, please kindly exit and do not use our website, mobile application and social media.

1. Term of Service

The Company creates this website, mobile application and social media in order to facilitate you. The information provided herein is for your consideration in using the services of the Company, therefore, we shall reserve the right to publish, modify, edit, disregard or update the information without prior notice. 

Any change to the Terms and Conditions of Use shall be posted in this website, mobile application and social media. When you access to this website, mobile application and social media after such change has been made, it shall be deemed that you accept and agree with such Terms and Conditions of Use. Hence, you are responsible for regularly check the Terms and Conditions of Use.

2. Ownership and Intellectual Property

Copy rights or any intellectual property rights of the contents on this website, mobile application and social media, including any materials contained in this website, mobile application and social media, including but not limited to, messages, contents, pictures, photos, video, audios, graphics, computer program, graphics, audios, any form of information, any programs, software include in or made available on or through this website, mobile application and social media (collectively referred to as “Content” or “Contents”) are owned by Company, unless expressly stipulated otherwise. All of the Contents are protected by intellectual property and/or other forms of propriety rights under the laws of Thailand and/or other countries.

Unless otherwise indicated in this website, mobile application and social media, any Contents, files or documents provided on this website, mobile application and social media, you may only view, download, upload the Contents and print any document of the Contents for your own personal and non-commercial use. On this basis, you also agree to keep all contents pertaining to copyright and other right of ownership that appear in this website, mobile application and social media. You may not copy, store or download either in hard copy, copy in electronics format or in any other forms for the purpose in transmit, transfer, perform, broadcast, publish, reproduce, create a derivative work from, display, distribute, sell, license, rent, lease or otherwise transfer any of Contents to any third person whether for direct commercial or any gain or otherwise without the prior written permission from the Company.

3. Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability

3.1 The Contents contained in this website, mobile application and social media are presented based on “as is” basis without direct or indirect guarantees or warranties by the Company of any kind. In no event shall the Company be responsible for any loss or damage or any profit and loss arising from the use of this website, mobile application and social media and/or the use of Contents contained herein in any circumstance.

3.2 The Company does not warrant that the access and use of this website, mobile application and social media shall be continued, uninterrupted or without delays or any errors. Moreover, the Company does not warrant that website, mobile application and social media shall be free of malicious programs which may cause damage to system or information in your system, for instance, viruses, or other harmful files (collectively referred to as “Defects”) regardless of whether such Defects are caused by human or electronic error or other events beyond its control. The Company shall not be responsible for any damage or loss arising from such Defects in any circumstances.

3.3 The Company reserves its rights not to grant you permission to use this website, mobile application and social media and may change or withdraw this website, mobile application and social media, in part or in whole, at any time without any prior notice or state of purposes in doing so.

3.4 Unless otherwise specified under the Terms and Conditions of Use, Company, directors, managers, executives, officers, employees, agents, or consultants of the Company shall not be liable for any fault or error of this website, mobile application and social media or information or Contents contained in this website, mobile application and social media and shall assume no responsibility in any omissions relating to this website, mobile application and social media whether in contract, tort, negligence or other consequences which might happen even if advised of the possibility of such damage.

4. Privacy Policy

Your personal information on this website, mobile application and social media, for instance, your registered information, your information of the usage of this website, mobile application and social media and/or other information of you, shall be protected under this Privacy Policy. For more information, please click here.

5. Hyperlinks

This website, mobile application and social media contains links to third party sites (“Linked Sites”). Please note that hyperlinks from this website, mobile application and social media to Linked Sites are provided for your convenience only. These Linked Sites are not under the support or control or responsibility of the Company. The Company is not capable of approving for the correctness, reliability or security of the Linked Sites and shall not be liable for any of your loss or damage suffered from using or hyperlinking to such website. Also, you should study terms and conditions of use of the Linked Sites.

6. User Identification (User ID) and Password

6.1 To use this website, mobile application and social media, you shall be required to have your own username (User ID) and password. You shall keep the username and password confidential. Any access or transaction arising from login using your username and password in this website, mobile application and social media shall constitute correct and complete action by you. In case of any damage for whatever reasons, you shall be responsible for all such actions. You further agree that you shall not object or demand Company to be responsible for the damages on your behalf.

6.2 You may change, suspend or cancel your username and password and/or the usage of this website, mobile application and social media at any time by yourself via any channels in accordance with the conditions and procedures prescribed by the Company. The Company shall assume no responsibility for any damage arising out prior to the effectiveness of the process of such suspending or terminating.

7. Right to Access

The Company shall reserve its right to update or modify this website, mobile application and social media or the Contents at any time, including the rights to suspend or limit the access to this website, mobile application and social media of any person or IP address without prior notice or giving reason for such act.

8. Cookies and how to use Cookies

Cookies is text files placed on your computer that are used to store details of your internet usage log information or your website visit behavior. You can learn more about Cookies at https://www.allaboutcookies.org/

We will gather certain information automatically from you by using of Cookies. We collect website visit information from all visitors through Cookies or similar technologies and we will use Cookies to improve the efficiency of accessing our services via the internet, including enhancing the efficiency of our use of our service on the internet

You can learn how to set your cookie controls through our Cookie Policy here.

9. Violation of Terms and Conditions of Use

In the event that there is a violation of Terms and Conditions of Use, Company reserves its right to suspend any access to or terminate any services rendered on this website, mobile application and social media without prejudice to Company’s rights to be indemnified under the Terms and Conditions of Use or any other rights under the relevant laws.

10. Compensation

In the event damages occur to the Company from legal actions, claims or any compensations (including lawyers’ fee) due to the use of this website, mobile application and social media by you. You agree to compensate for such damages incurred whether you have complied with the Terms and Conditions of the Use or not. 

11. Reserved Matter

The Company shall reserve its rights to modify or suspend the use of this website, mobile application and social media at any time without prior notice to the service users and responsibility to the service users. Any change to this website, mobile application and social media shall be deemed that you accept and agree with such change and the Company is entitled to refuse the access to this website, mobile application and social media wholly or partly to any person without prior notice.

12. Governing Laws

Interpretation and enforcement under this Terms and Conditions of Use shall be in accordance with the laws of Thailand. In the event that the court in some countries do not enforce Thai laws to certain type of disputes, in which you have a domicile in that country, the applicable laws under your country shall be applied to the disputes otherwise it shall be deemed that you agree the disputes in relation to the Terms and Conditions of Use and the services or the same type of service (collectively referred to as the “disputes”) shall be governed by the laws of Thailand (not including the rules on application of laws). In the event that the court in your country opposes the jurisdiction and the place of hearing of Thai court, the disputes shall be brought to the jurisdiction and the place of hearing in which your domicile is situated, otherwise all claims incurred from or in relation to the Terms and Conditions of Use or the services shall be brought to Thai court and it shall be deemed that you and the Company agrees to be governed by the rules of personal jurisdiction under Thai court.

13. Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Terms and Conditions of Use, please contact us at:

  • Central Pattana Public Company Limited
  • The Offices at Central World, 999/9 Rama 1 Rd., Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330, Thailand
  • +66 (0) 2-667-5555

Data Policy Consent Form

Central Pattana Public Company Limited

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